Mark your calendars for the annual Year-End Event for all members registered in Spring 2024 classes! During the Spring Session, you will see your kids dancing & tumbling as they prepare for their display. There will also be awards, potluck, and fundraising events!

All Terrace Peaks athletes
(Cuddly Cubs, Bouncing Bears, Rolling Ravens, Soaring Eagles, Minis, Cartwheeling Kermodes, Parkour, CanGym, Advanced CanGym, Acro, Pre-Comp, and Comp)
Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 4:00pm-6:00pm (doors open at 3:30pm)
Terrace Peaks Gymnastics Club
Ed Fairless Memorial Gymnasium | Thornhill Community Center
3091 Century Street in Thornhill
Admission is $5.00/person or $10.00/family
(participants & volunteers are free)
Please view the Year End Notice to know what outfit your athlete is required to wear for their display.
Volunteers Needed! Please follow the link below to sign up to help out at the Year End Event.