
2024-2025 Non-Refundable Membership & Insurance Fees

  • All participants registering for classes are required to purchase both the $25.00 annual Terrace Peaks Membership and the $49.00 annual Gymnastics BC Insurance fee.
  • Both fees are valid from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025.
  • The $25.00 fee covers administrative costs.
  • The $49.00 fee covers insurance and is allocated as follows: $36 to GymBC, $8.00 to GCG, and $5 to Zone 7.
  • Participants registering for 8 or fewer camps or drop-ins may purchase the $16.00 Casual Gymnastics BC Insurance fee.
  • The casual fee is only valid for 8 visits between September 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, and unlimited visits for July and August 2025. If a participant attends more than 8 times between September and June, they are required to upgrade to the annual Gymnastics BC Insurance and pay the Terrace Peaks Membership fee.

Registration Policies 

  • Registration is based on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Ways to register: in-person or by phone during office hours, online, by mail or fax.
  • Full payment is required to complete the registration. Registration will be automatically cancelled if payment arrangements are not made by the first day of class. Payment plans can be arranged if needed.
  • Payment options: cash, cheque (payable to TPGC), transfers (send to info@terracepeaks.ca), debit, Visa, or MasterCard. All fees include applicable taxes. Payment plans can be arranged if needed.
  • There is a $60.00 NSF fee for all returned cheques or declined credit cards.
  • Late registrations will not be pro-rated, please register before the start of each session.
  • Transfers are permitted until the halfway point of each session. A $10.00 fee applies.
  • Schedule is subject to change. Classes run pending enrolment & coaching availability. Classes must have a minimum of 4 participants enrolled to run.
  • Make-up classes are not provided unless TPGC cancels a class. Programs may be canceled and/or rescheduled due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.

Age Restrictions 

  • All age restrictions and class maximums are strictly adhered to.
  • Registration is by birth year as our curriculum has been designed for the development stages of each age group. Participants should stay in the same age program for the whole school year (September-June), so that they can feel successful.

Cancellation Policy 

  • Refunds will be given to all cancellations prior to the first day of programs.
  • No refunds or credits are given for Drop-In fees.
  • No refunds or credits are given after the first day of class, except in the case of injury or illness. Request must be accompanied by a doctor’s note. 100% of the pro-rated balance will be refunded/credited toward future programs.

Friends or Siblings

  • Only children whose names appear on the attendance list may participate in that program.
  • Members participating in Parent Participation programs who must bring a sibling to class may do so provided the sibling stays on the sidelines and entertains themselves with books and crayons.
  • Babies are permitted in a baby carrier or car seat.

Family Discounts 

  • The second & subsequent children of a family registered in a recreational class during the same session or registered in the same camp will receive a 10% discount on the lowest fee(s).
  • Discounts do not apply to the Terrace Peaks Membership / Gymnastics BC Insurance fee, Drop-Ins, or other programs that are already discounted.
  • Children registered in our invitational programs do count towards a registered family member and subsequent children registered in recreational classes will be eligible for the family discount.

Multiple Camp Discounts 

  • Participants registered for 3 or more weeks of Summer camps will receive a 10% discount off the camp fee total.
  • Discounts do not apply to the Terrace Peaks Membership / Gymnastics BC Insurance fee, Drop-Ins, single-day camp fees, or other programs that are already discounted.


  • To participate in any program, all athletes must wear athletic pants/shorts and a t-shirt, or a gymnastics bodysuit and bare feet in the gym.
  • No socks/tights, jewelry, jeans, dresses/skirts, belts, or buckles are allowed.
  • Hair must be tied back.

Drop-off/Pick-up Policy 

  • Please be on time. Warm-up is an important part of all programs. Being late also disturbs the rhythm of the class and distracts the other athletes.
  • Parents must ensure that gymnasts are dropped off & picked up inside the building.
  • TPGC staff cannot supervise children before or after programs, please remain with your child until their program begins.
  • Parents of children 4 years old and younger are asked to remain in the building during class.

Please click HERE to see a full list of our Gym Rules.